Ma-Yothu’s Meditative Mind

Welcome to the gate of our greatest resource  “State of a Meditative Mind”.

What is the “State of a Meditative Mind”?

“This is the state where our mind comes to rest and we are able to experience the universe without the white noise of our habitual existence.” – Ma-Yothu

Questions & Answers:

How do we bring our mind to this resting place?

A series of body relaxing methods are introduced, some deeper levels of awareness are opened, a safe non-judgemental environment is provided and then we prepare and guide people with breathing techniques and shifts of focus to their own inner sacred space. In this space you will find the “State of a Meditative Mind”.

What are the benefits from pursuing this space?

There are many benefits  from being able to be in a state of full awareness with an open heart and no fear. You are able to begin to understand your own truths and live your unique life with surety, clarity and inner calm. When we apply these things to our everyday life it is like waking up on a sunny day that lasts for ever.

What areas of our life can this “Meditative State” be applied to?

It can be applied to all areas of our life from what we consume (eat, use and waste) to  how we raise our children, to how we communicate with others, it provides clarity to face lifes challenges with inner confidence and its list of applications is endless.

How long does it last once obtained?

The length of time or frequency of obtaining this state can be gradually increased with practice and a few helpful techniques. We guide for others to be able to take from the mat into their everyday life as a full transportable state of being. Its full value is obtained when we are faced with our greatest challenges.

Are there any main areas it can be applied?

It can be applied for self healing the body and mind. It can be used to find our spiritual truths. The openess of the mind in this state allows us to explore all perceived boundaries and possabilities. The power to create and problem solve can be opened. We can connect more fully with all life.

Why do you practice and guide others to this Meditative State?

I practice and guide people because it fills me with great happiness when i can rise above self to help others. The smiling faces that replace the sadness, the lost look replaced with a clear focus, the lightness that returns to people when they are relieved of their burdens, from turmoil to inner calm and many other worthy rewards. I understand by sharing a new wholesome path of  a meditative mind, we  can create an evolution for humanity, to learn and expand in real time. Discover our hidden potentials and see the world always as a place of challenges and opportunity to gain new experiences.

Where do you guide and practice?

We have built a special space for guiding our Expansive Meditation forms and taking people on the  Journeys of a Meditative State. Ma-Yothu Sanctuary provides a space for peace and calm. There are many changing beautiful veiws over the grasslands and wetlands with the wide array of bird life and natures art displayed across the large skies. We are able to practice on the soft green grass outdoors and practice within the serene centre with its many windows which bring the outside in…

The Methods created by Ma-Yothu of obtaining the Meditative mind can be practiced anywhere with careful guidance and correct intent.


The moon rising over Ma-Yothu Sanctuary


The class content being offered varies each night; (Private classes can be arranged on application) a number of practices are available to suit the people attending at that time. This is decided by Shane on the night. We provide access for people who are of  a sound disposition and old enough to understand without distracting others.  We do not judge others by the clothes they wear, the individual shapes we come in or from where you come. We understand Meditation is a tool and we use it to expand awareness and bring a sense of calm and a stillness within the body. A meditative state teaches us  that true healing and life changing habits can only be achieved by “self”  with a bit of guidance as support. Healing is not achieved with drugs, external gimmicks, fish slappers or what ever…Please consider where you stand on this journey . We provide potential and opportunities for those who wish for a meaningful life and a safe space for those just beginning to seek clarity and direction .

We have ample parking and a free pure water source available at the centre.  The centre has been built for the community to discuss, reflect and help find solutions to the ever increasing challenges of life.

 Moving towards a Meditative Mind

Introduction – A meet and greet as all sit and settle with a tea or water. 

The benefits of “Calm body” and “sensory connection” are expanded on with the science behind their implementation. 

Sensory Connection – A new short form of “Being” designed at Ma-Yothu Sanctuary to enliven our sensory awareness and take our physical experience to a new level of appreciation. This method is very powerful in returning our focus to the now and quietening the busy mind. A meditation form is introduced.

Calm Body- A series of flowing breath postures and stretches designed to settle the body prior to alternative meditation forms. The main focus here is to slow the movements and connect the breath with the moving body in a flowing form. A  slow flowing  practice where outward movements are connected to exhalation, and inwards movements to inhalation. We share the full body experience of working in harmony and awareness of the breath. This practice is normally held standing on the lush green grass overlooking the open wetland area.

Foundation Meditation- Guided meditation practice.

Secondary Meditation Practice – Meditative Mind.


The Meditative plants sending love to the sun !!                                                                                                        Nature’s living art..

Our Meditation Guide

Shane Martin –  Qualified International Meditation/ Meditative guide and Teacher, Qualified Rapid Hypnotist,  International journey person with more than forty years of meditation experience, Creator of exspansive concepts of the meditative  mind and moderniser of older meditation methods, International published Author, Public speaker on health related topics and Mind Health,  qualified Feng Shui practitioner and holder of sacred site construction knowledge. He is a leader who openly shares of his experiences and continually pushes out the boundaries of meditative mind and life’s possabilities.

“May our spirits remain forever young”...Ma-Yoth

See you in the morning my friend…